The integrated Company policy for Quality, Environmental and for Occupational Health and Safety is established by the Managing Director in compliance with DNP Corporate Philosophy and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) principles and aligned with the related set of norms (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI ISO 45001:2018) and more in line with the framework of the Ethical Code as per D.Lgs. 231/2001. The policy also includes the commitment of top management to alignment with the RBA principles. The ISO Standards and Ethical Code requirements identify the strategy to contribute to sustainable growth of the Company, in order to earn full customers and stakeholders trust, as a fundamental prerequisite to produce long-term wealth. Furthermore, compliance to the RBA requirements aims to provide our contribution to an improving global responsible electronics supply chain from an ethical, social and environmental perspective. As a member of the DNP group, the Organization intends to maintain the same process and product quality level of Primary Manufacturing (Kamifukoka plant in Japan) and growing its activities always preserving workers health and safety and the environment. To achieve this goal DNP Photomask Europe is committed to:
  1. implementing the same technology level as DNP primary manufacturing, who is a world-wide leader in Photomask manufacturing, in order to supply the market with high quality and standards and reliable products;
  2. enhancing Customers’ Satisfaction to ensure customer fidelity and to grant cost efficiency, on-time delivery as well as the delivery of safe products to preserve end user’s Health and Safety;
  3. maintaining and continuously improving (PDCA cycle) the integrated QEHS management system, its goals and all related methodologies, through the leadership and the commitment of all the management team and the support of DPE people at all levels, including risk-based thinking to minimize risks and anticipate opportunities;
  4. being complaint, in terms of Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety matters, to all National and International requirements (product, customer, norm and legal), explicit or latent, concerning the products and work-related activities;
  5. provide safe and healthy working conditions, in order to prevent injuries and occupational diseases;
  6. adopting the best suitable manufacturing processes, equipment, tools and maintenance procedures driven by technology and financial requirements but also health and safety and environmental matters as mandatory requirements;
  7. ensuring that responsibilities and authorities, for the relevant roles inside the organization, are assigned, communicated and understood as granting that the management system complies with all the requirements;
  8. arranging resources availability, periodical training and continuous results monitoring, in order to maintain high awareness and competence on QEHS matters and to spread knowledge and experience as a fundamental task to pursue Company’s wealth;
  9. engaging with external suppliers and onsite vendors to share and get their commitment on QEHS Company goals and standards;
  10. considering the health and safety of all workers, including suppliers who provide their service in the company, as a priority;
  11. reducing the consumption of resources from non-renewable sources, promoting energy efficiency initiatives and minimizing air and water emissions of harmful substances;
  12. reducing the waste for disposal and the use of hazardous substances, promoting the recovery and recycling of waste (by reducing the share allocated to disposal) and preferring the use of low-impact materials, whenever this is technically and economically feasible;
  13. removing dangers, minimizing risks and preventing injuries and occupational diseases by analyzing the different risk factors and any possible incident (including accidents and near-misses) and deficiency, promoting awareness of health and safety aspects;
  14. consulting workers and make them participant, also through the RLS (workers representative for health and safety), on health and safety issues;
  15. maintain adherence to the RBA requirements by completing periodic questionnaires, aligning our management system, undergoing the necessary verifications and engaging all interested parties.
QEHS & RBA Policy is periodically reviewed to ensure continuous adequacy to Organization, Corporate changes and to better keep up with customers’ requirements and needs as well as stakeholders and the market. It is the reference framework for setting the goals and for the implementation of the integrated management system and includes all key elements such as technical and economic feasibility, risk based thinking, best costs/benefits ratio. Top management is responsible to establish, implement and maintain QEHS & RBA Policy and to communicate it within the organization and ensure that is understood and applied. The QEHS & RBA Policy may also be accompanied, based on Top Management proposal and approval and within the Organization Model (Legislative Decree no. 231/2001) guidelines, other detailed policies to better regulate specific aspects of the Company activities.

Managing Director: Masaomi Takayanagi